Justin Bunch | CityscapeTravel

Lamb Stew with Parsley Root

This simple stew recipe comes from an old family cookbook from Basel. The city's cuisine reflects its place in the Rhineland rather than Switzerland, and similar recipes are found in neighboring Freiburg and Alsace. Basel in the 18th and early 19th centuries was quite poor, and its traditional dishes reflect this provincial character.


Fuldaer Rabbit Stew (Dippehas)

Rabbit was once far more common than chicken in working and middle-class kitchens in the previous century. Its simple flavor and ease of cooking made it a staple. Today, chicken has largely supplanted rabbit in our diet, and recipes for it have disappeared from our cookbooks. This is a local variant of the classic German dish from the town of Fulda. As an ancient Catholic stronghold in a traditionally Protestant region, it had close ties to Franconia, which influenced the spices in this dish.


German Rabbit Stew (Dippehas)

Rabbit was once far more common than chicken in working and middle-class kitchens in the previous century. Its simple flavor and ease of cooking made it a staple. Today, chicken has largely supplanted rabbit in our diet, and recipes for it have disappeared from our cookbooks. This is a classic German dish from Hessen and Franconia. Its name translates to literally "rabbit in a pot" in the Hessen dialect.